Category Archives: WOSM

Good morning Kemal. This world may change, after all. Good morning. (*)

Dimitra sharing food with refugees in Lesvos

This picture was taken a year ago on the island of Lesvos in Greece. Together with the following text it was published by journalist and local Scout Leader Stratis Balaskas on the website of the Greek news agency he works for. A year later, the situation on Lesvos, Chios, Kos, other islands and mainland Greece is still far from what we would like it to see. And to this day local Scouts are involved in numerous activities supporting refugees across the country. The story could well describe some action taken place yesterday.

Regional Circular 25 2016 – Regional Update October 2016


Four months after the 22nd European Scout Conference in Norway the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) felt it appropriate to share an update of work so far accomplished with the National Scout Organisations and Nationals Scout Associations.

Find the Committee’s message in Regional Circular 25 2016:

– Regional Circular 25 2016 – Regional Update October 2016 (English, French)

Joint Circular: 15th European Guide and Scout Conference – Joint Conference Report

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On behalf of the outgoing Europe Committee WAGGGS and the European Scout Committee 2013-2016, we are pleased to provide the report of the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference held in Norway in June.

– Joint Circular: 15EGSC – Joint Conference Document 6 – Joint Conference Report (English)

(The document is presently being translated and will be made available in French as soon as possible)

Please use ADOBE or some other programme to read the document; in Mac’s own PREVIEW programme embedded links will not work.

Regional Circular 24 2016 – Report of the 22nd European Scout Conference

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The European Scout Region is pleased to share with you the Report of the 22nd European Scout Conference which took place earlier this year in conjunction with the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference in Melsomvik, Norway.

Regional Circular 22 – Open Call Recruitment: Regional Treasurer


The European Scout Region is launching an open a call to recruit a Regional Treasurer to complete the members of the legal entity under which it operates, the World Scout Bureau – European Regional Office (WSB-ERO) which comprises the elected members of the European Scout Committee who are supported by two ex-officio, non-voting members, the Regional Director and the Regional Treasurer.

Please refer to Regional Circular 22 and its two annexes for all relevant information and insutrctions how to apply for this interesting volunteer role in support of Scouting in Europe:

– Regional Circular 22 2016 (Letter) – Open Call Recruitment: Regional Treasurer (English, French)
– Regional Circular 22 2016 (Annex 1) – Regional Treasurer: Role Description (English, French)
– Regional Circular 22 2016 (Annex 2) – TErms of Reference: Finance Support Group (English, French)