Category Archives: WOSM

Online Videos of the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference


Only one month ago delegates of all MOs and NSOs of the two Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM came together for five days to discuss and adopt Regional policies, strategies and general orientations for the next triennium. They elected the Regions’ governing bodies, the Europe Committee WAGGGS and the European Regional Committee of WOSM.

During the Joint Conference, all delegations discussed matters of mutual interest and approve joint actions, which are also integral part of the Regional Plans agreed by the respective separate conferences.

If you have missed the experience live in Norway or if you want to relive those moments you can now access the official videos at the following link.


Joint Communication – Register for The Academy 2016 in Cyprus Now!


What is The Academy?

The Academy is the European Scout Region’s and the Europe Region WAGGGS’ unique Scout and Guide event designed to provide participants with high quality training and networking opportunities around the core priorities of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.

Regional Circular 18– Funding Opportunities

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We are pleased to provide you with an update on Funding Opportunities available to NSOs and NSAs from the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

The document is a working tool for all NSOs/NSAs, aiming to offer comprehensive information about the different funding opportunities and gives an overview of the available funding opportunities, with useful information and direct contacts.

Particular attention is given to deadlines and procedures to enable you to be aware of the amount of time and preparation required for an application.

– Regional Circular 18 2016: Funding Opportunities Overview (English,French)

[CALL FOR BIDS] Hosting the Academy 2017

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The Academy is a joint event of WOSM and WAGGGS working in partnership at European level, with key participation of volunteers and staff from both the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region.

Interested associations, NSOs or MOs, are invited to declare their interest to hosting this event by submitting a short paper (the bid) in reponse to the attached Joint Ciruclar.

[REMINDER] 8th General Assembly 2016 | World Scout Parliamentary Union

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The Parliamentary Scout Union of Sweden and scouterna, the Guides and Scouts of Sweden, are hosting the 8th General Assembly of the World Scout Parliamentary Union (WSPU) in Stockholm, Sweden, at the end of this summer, from 31 August to 2 September 2016.