Deadline extended: Ensuring the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering


The European Year of Volunteering 2011 (EYV 2011) is successfully over. However, although the EYV 2011 has ended, our work continues. We must ensure the lasting legacy of the Year – at all levels – and therefore European Committtees of WAGGGS and WOSM circulate this letter with purpose to share with you information about the main outcomes of the Year and inform you of the actions which the Regions are currently undertaking on volunteering, which, as you know, is one of our areas of joint work during this Triennium.

The letter (English, French) reports the outcomes of the EYV 2011 and how will the work on volunteering continue. Both regions are planning to produce documents with inspiring examples of best practices – WOSM – European Region will produce a EuroScout.Doc on Volunteering while the Europe region WAGGGS has received funding from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe to produce a toolkit on Volunteering at the end of the year.

Therefore, we would like you to send information, such as we have already received from some Guide and Scout Associations like PPÖ about the different ways in which you recruit, retain, motivate and support volunteers in your association, how you recognize the skills they have gained and ensure they have a quality volunteering experience.

Please can you complete the attached questionnaire (English, French), and return it to by 30th June 2012. You can also complete the survey online (English, French) and upload information about any best practices you would like to share. Please help us share your best practices across Europe with other Guide and Scout associations. Thank you!

 As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like further information on the work of the Regions on volunteering.