Erasmus+ Call for Partners: The Academy 2015


The Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM are launching a Call for Partners for an Erasmus+ Project “The Academy 2015″, scheduled to take place in Porto, Portugal, from 28 October to 1 November 2015.

To be able to be a partner in this project, please check carefully the relevant rules and follow the steps described. The project application will be submitted at national level in Protugal by Corpo Nacioinal de Escutas (CNE), one of the National Scout Associations in that country.

Please make sure to return the relevant documents by 15 January 2015 at the latest should your association wish to join this project as partner.

Please consult the following documents for more details:

Joint Communication – Call for Partners The Academy 2015 (in English and in French)
Joint Communication – Annex A: Mandate: The Academy 2015
Joint Communication – Annex B: PIC Information
Event Information on this website