Eurosea – Sea Scout Network

Since 1985, Sea Scout leaders from all over Europe have gathered every three years to take part in the European Sea Scouting Seminar (“Eurosea”). Some of the ongoing aims of Eurosea are Developing the international dimension of Sea Scouting, sharing best practices and ideas for Sea Scouting development, promoting safe practices.


  • To provide a framework that encourages the international exchange of ideas and resources;
  • Agree on a framework for continuous programme ideas and material sharing;
  • Provide collective solutions and ideas for individual challenges or opportunities;
  • Ensure that each participant has the opportunity to meet and discuss issues and ideas with colleagues from other associations;
  • Share Sea Scout activity ideas;
  • Set up International Sea Scout events calendar, with camps, sailing matches, training etc.
  • Identify and elect new members of the Odysseus Group (see Additional information)