“Skills for life: Scouting and Guiding – a cost effective answer” is the title of a public debate organised by the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM, which will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 25 February.
Representatives of National Scout Organisations (NSOs) and Member Organisations (MOs) in the European Regions, institutional partners, Members of the Parliament of the European Union and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Counicl of Europe, delegates from other Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS, as well as members of the civil society are invited to join in and discuss a series of important questions: How do youth movements (such as Scouting and Guiding) contribute to address current priorities identified in the European Union’s “Europe 2020″ paper, such as soft skills education, fighting unemployment and fostering active citizenship.
More information about the event.
Please register for this public event and take part in this interesting debate!