UPDATE – European Regional Events’ List 2018-2019 (Regional Circular 28 2018)

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The European Scout Region of the World Ogranization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share with you an update of the list of proposed events agreed by the European Scout Committee. There may be some changes to the list, but is was felt important to share a comprehensive list as soon as possible to assist in your planning.

Regional Circular 28 2018 contains all currently available information of regional events planned to take place during the coming 12 months. Please make sure to monitor the event notices on this website to discover more details as they are released.

Call for Participants – The European Scout Summit 2018 (Regional Circular 27 2018)

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The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to invite representatives of the National Scout Associations in the European Scout Region to the European Scout Summit 2018, which will be held from 23 to 25 November 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.

As described in Regional Circular 24 2018, the Summit is an important moment in the overall participative process of defining the future Regional Scout Plan, to be finalised before the 23rd European Scout Conference, next year in August.

=> Find out more about the European Scout Summit 2018 in Regional Circular 27 2018. Make sure to register by 14 October 2018.

Call for Participants – Hand in Hand. Stronger Together (Regional Circular 26 2018)

iamge circ 26 2018

The European Scout Region and its partners in the Time to be Welcome project are inviting interested members of National Scout Organisations (NSOs) of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to a four-day event in Brussels, Belgium, from 7-10 December 2018.

Under the title Hand in Hand. Stronger together the event will address questions and share best practices related to how associations can reach out and include refugees and migrants in Scouting.

The event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, the KAICIID International Dialogue Centre, and the Messengers of Peace Support Fund.

=> Find out more about this event in Regional Circular 26 2018. Make sure to register by 15 October 2018.

INVITATION to the 23rd European Scout Conference and the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference & CALL for Planning Team Members (Regional Circular 25 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is happy to join Savez izvidaca Hrvatske (the Croatian Scout Association) to invite National Scout Organisations (NSOs) to participate in the 23rd European Scout Conference and additionally, with our colleagues in the Europe Region WAGGGS, to participate in the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference. The events will take place in Split, Croatia, from 24 to 28 August 2019.

The Committee’s message contained in Regional Circular 25 2018 has the following three elements:

  1. Information about the European Conferences
  2. Call for members of the planning team for the European Scout Conference
  3. Raising awareness of the need for diverse and competent nominations for the elections to the European Scout Committee

Please note that the deadline for nominations of candidates for the Conference Planning Team (point 2 above) is 1 November 2018.

Call for Erasmus+ project partners – Guides and Scouts lead the way on Refugee Inclusion (Joint Communication 12 2018)


The Europe Region WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) & the European Region WOSM (World Organization of the Scout Movement) are pleased to launch a call for partners for the joint event Guides and Scouts lead the way on Refugee Inclusion, which is scheduled to take place in Greece end March/beginning April 2019.

The deadline for your expressions of interest and submission of relevant documents is Tuesday 25 September 2018.

Please find below all relevant information, including the specific mandate which need be to completed by potential partners.


Annex: Specific Mandate for this Call_en_2017