Committee.Update December 2017

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The European Scout Region is pleased to share with you the most recent edition of Committee.Update which summarises the discussion and decisions made by the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement at its recent regular meeting held in Brussels, Belgium.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Dialogue for Peace In Europe, Training and Workshop (Regional Circular 33 2017)


In line with objectives set in the European Regional Scout Plan 2016 – 2019 and following the successful implementation of the Work Plan 2017 “Scouting for Peace” project co-financed by the Council of Europe – European Youth Foundation, the Messenger of Peace Support Fund and in collaboration with KAICIID – The International Dialogue Centre, it was decided to continue the collaboration between the European Scout Region and KAICIID – The International Dialogue Centre in Peace Education and to organise a Training and Workshop under the title “Dialogue for Peace in Europe: Through Intercultural, Interreligious Dialogue and Spiritual Development” at Wassergspreng Scout Centre, near Vienna, Austria, in March 2018.

The “Dialogue for Peace in Europe: Through Intercultural, Interreligious Dialogue and Spiritual Development” aims at:
– Training young leaders willing to support the work of the European Scout Interreligious Forum (ESIF), the Spiriteco Network and the Overture Network as Dialogue for Peace Facilitators, and
– to enhance the Dialogue for Peace manual with reference documents and activities on interreligious and intercultural dialogue and spiritual development.
KAICIID experts will provide the participants with knowledge on human perceptions and misperceptions, cultural identities, the principles of dialogue, and designing and facilitating dialogue.

For further details please refer to Regional Circular 33 2017 and its annexes. The deadline to return the application form and its annexes is 31 January 2018:

Regional Circular 33 2017-Call for Participants: Dialogue for Peace in Europe, Training and Workshop, March 2018 (in English)
Regional Circular 33 2017-Call for Participants: Dialogue for Peace in Europe, Training and Workshop, March 2018(en français)
Regional Circular 33 2017-ANNEX 1: Draft Programme (in English only)
Regional Circular 33 2017-ANNEX 2: Application Form (in English only)

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: European Youth Event 2018 (Regional Circular 32 2017)


The European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is calling for participants to join activities organised on the occasion of the European Union’s upcoming European Youth Event (EYE 2018) which will take place in Strasbourg (France) between 30 May and 3 June 2018. The European Parliament will once again open its doors to 8000 young people from all over Europe in an effort to engage them in political debate and society, giving highlight to important key issues such as peace, democracy, unemployment, work and environment. The EYE 2018 will include a large variety of activities run under the motto “The plan is to fan this spark into a flame” in a political, social and cultural sense. It is a huge opportunity to meet young Europeans and make youth and our ideas visible to decision-makers.

Next to the premises of the European Parliament there will be the YO!Fest, a youth-led festival organised by the European Youth Forum that takes place every year in front of symbolic places of the EU institutions. The YO!Fest combines high-level policy debates, thematic workshops, educational activities, cultural animations and live music into a unique experience.

If a young member of your National Scout Organisation would like to be considered participant, please make sure that the online form is completed by the deadline 10 January 2018!

Regional Circular 32 2017-Call for Participants: European Youth Event 2018 (in English)
Regional Circular 32 2017-Call for Participants: European Youth Event 2018 (en français)

Joint Communication 13 2017 – Event Invitation: Chief Volunteers’ Network Meeting 2018


The European Scout Region of the World Organnization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the Europe Region WAGGGS jointly organise the next Chief Volunteers’ Network Meeting in February 2018 and invite chief volunteers and persons holding similar positions in their Scout or Guide associations to participate. It will take place at the Kapralův mlýn Scout Environmental Education Centre, near Brno (CZ), from 9 to 11 February 2018.

The Meeting aims to provide a space for Chief Volunteers to meet, to network and to share good practice and ideas. It builds on networking events held at Regional Conferences and other events when there was a clear desire to find opportunities for these important volunteers to share and mix with their peers.

Joint Communication 13 2017 provides you with all relevant information and also contains the link to the online registration form. Please make sure that those interested complete this form before the deadline 6 January 2018.

Joint Communicatioon 13 2017-Event Invitation-Chief Volunteers Meeting 2018 (in English)
Joint Communicatioon 13 2017-Event Invitation-Chief Volunteers Meeting 2018 (en framçais)


Regional Circular 31 2017: Event Invitation for Rovers: 8th Sharjah International Youth Gathering 2018


The European Scout Region has received an invitation from the Arab Scout Region for the NSOs in the Region to be represented in the 8th Sharjah International Scout Gathering which will take place in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, between 1-10 February 2018.

If your National Scout Organisation would like to send a Rover representative to this event, please make sure that the registration form is returned duly completed and signed by the deadline 17 December 2017!

Regional Circular 31 2017-CoverNote-Sharjah International Youth Gathering 2018 (in English only)
Regional Circular 31 2017-Annex1-Event Invitation-Sharjah International Youth Gathering 2018 (in English only)
Regional Circular 31 2017-Annex2-ReginstrationForm-Sharjah International Youth Gathering 2018 (in English only)