Regional Circular 26 2017 – Event Information: EuroSea 14, 5-9 September 2918


The planning team of the European Sea Scout Network, The Odysseus Group, is thrilled to share relevant event information of EuroSea 14, the European Sea Scout Seminar 2018. If you are a member of prospective member of a regional or national team supporting the Sea Scouting branch of your National Scout Association / National Scout Organisation than make sure not to miss this networking and training event.

The 2018 edition of EuroSea is hosted by the Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge at the International Sailing Centre Barcelona and will take place from 5 to 9 September 2018.

European Youth Event 2018, Save the Date

New version

Between 30 May and 3 June 2018 Scouts will once again join the EU’s largest Youth Event at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France,  to build a better Europe.

Join more than 8000 Scouts and young people inside the European Parliament in Strasbourg for 3 days of debates, workshops, concerts, talks and much more!

An Open Call for Scouts is coming soon! Stay tuned for updates! 

Regional Circular 22 2017: Report on Progress: Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 (revised version)


The European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share the revised version of its progress report on work undertaken in relation to the Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019:

Revised Regional Circular 22 2017: Progress Report Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 (in English)
Annex to Revised Regional Circualr 22 2017: Timeline Update Ocotber 2017 (in English)
Revised Regional Circular 22 2017: Progress Report Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 (en français)
- Annex to Revised Regional Circualr 22 2017: Timeline Update Ocotber 2017 (en français)

These documents replace those attached to the direct mailing dispatched at the beginning of October 2017.


WAGGGS Europe Committee Member

The Europe Regional Committee is seeking a new member who will play a key role in driving our ambitious plans to offer a quality Girl Guiding / Girl Scouting experience to many more girls and young women in the Region.

The new Europe Committee member will join the team midway through the current triennium. Therefore, considering the competencies and knowledge of the current members and the portfolios that the person will be leading, we have identified necessary skills and knowledge which you can find in the call.

We look forward to receiving applications for this exciting opportunity and to welcoming a new person to our committee!




Chief Volunteers Network Meeting postponed!


The Chief Volunteers Event, initially planned for 1-3 December 2017, at the Kaprálův mlýn Scout Centre in the Czech Republic,  is now postponed to 9-11 February 2018, at the same venue.

The official invitation will be sent out shortly.

We wish to apologise to everyone who retained the initial date in their calendar.