Regional Circular 30 2017: Call for Partners for five Erasmus+ Projects


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Socut Movement has launched a Call for Partners for five Erasmus+ Projects planned to be organised in 2018 and 2019.

We recognise that the deadline set for this series of applications is very short. However, as you are aware we are flexible when it comes to the events when they come around. We want to make best use of the time we have available to submit early applications – allowing us to resubmit some applications if they are initially unsuccessful, and recognising that we have a finite amount of time to apply for grants, run the events and then report. We hope you will understand the difficult balancing act that we need to carry out.

Regional Cuircular 30 2017 provides you with information on the next five applications for which your NSO/NSA can be partners: the GSAT Self-Assessment Training, the CubNet-ScoutNet Network Meeting, the Refugee Response Conference, the Partnership Event, and the RoverNet-VentureNet Network Meeting.

If your National Scout Organisation would like to be considered partner to one or more of these projects, please make sure that the relevant mandats are returned duly completed and signed by the deadline 8 January 2018!

Regional Circular 30 2017-Call for Patners for five Erasmus+ Projects (in English)
Regional Circular 30 2017-Call for Patners for five Erasmus+ Projects (en français)

Regional Circular 30 2017-Annex 1-GSAT SelfAssessmentTraining-AT (English only)
Regional Circular 30 2017-Annex 2-CubNEtScoutNet-LU (English only)
Regional Circular 30 2017-Annex 3-RefugeeResponseConference-BE (English only)
Regional Circular 30 2017-Annex 4-RoverNetVentureNet-HR (English only)
Regional Circular 30 2017-Annex 5-PartnershipsEvent-ES (English only)