Tag Archives: 15egsc

22nd European Scout Conference – Proposed Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 released


Earlier today, Conference Document 8 of the upcoming 22nd European Scout Conference in Norway was released:

In English:
– 22ESC – Conference Document 8 – Cover Note and Proposed Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019

In French:
– 22ESC – Document de conférence 8 – Lettre d’introduction et Proposition du Plan Regional Scout 2016-2019

All Conference Documents are available in the relevant section of the Conference Website (http://15egsc.europak-online.net/) as well as on the regular Europak website.

22nd European Scout Conference – Four new Conference Documents released


Two months prior to the 22nd European Scout Conference in Norway, four new Conference Documents have been released:

22ESC Conference Document 2 – Draft Conference Agenda (status: March 2016)

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In view of the 22nd European Scout Conference , schedue to take place in Melsovik (NO) from 17 to 21 June 2016, we are pleased to share with you Conference Document 2 of  in English and French, which presents you the Draft Conference Agenda (status: March 2016). An updated version will be shared just before the beginning of the Conference:

22ESC Conference Document 1b – Proposals for Constitutional Changes

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Following the passing of the deadline for submission of proposals for changes to the Constitution of the European Scout Region, we are pleased to share with you Conference Document 1b of the 22nd European Scout Conference in English and French, which presents you five proposals for changes:

22ESC Conference Document 5 – Candidates for election to the Regional Committee

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Following the passing of the deadline last week for submission of candidatures for election to the European Scout Committee, due to take place during the 22nd European Scout Conference in Norway this coming June, we are pleased to share with you Conference Document 5 in English and French, which presents you the ten candidates whose candidacy documents had been received by the deadline last week.