Tag Archives: #AdultResources

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – 9th European Scout Education Forum 2018 (Regional Circular 07 2018)

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The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), in collaboration with Cercetasii României, the National Scout Organisation in Romania, is pleased to invite you to the 9th European Scout Education Forum 2018, which will be held in Bucharest, Romania, from 30 May to 3 June 2018.

The aim of the European Scout Education Forum 2018 is to bring together those involved with the delivery of the Scouting programme in their National Scout Organisations and Associations, and through knowledge transfer, inspirational discussion, networking and support, assists those NSOs/NSAs in developing and implementing educational methods policies, strategies, projects and initiatives to better support the involvement of young people in their communities.

If you or your colleagues are interested in attending this event, make sur to register before the deadline 15 April 2018!

=> Find out more about the 9th European Scout Education Forum in our Regional Circular 07 2018 and on the event’s website.

Regional Circular 26 2015 – Invitation: MOVIS Network Meeting 2016

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The Network Meeting of Commissioners involved in the management of adult resources is one of the well-known and successful networking opportunities for Leaders (on national level) of National Scout Organisations (NSOs) and National Scout Associations (NSAs) of the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

Formerly known under the acronym TCNM (for: Training Commissioners Network Meeting) it has now updated its name to MOVIS (for: Management of Volunteers in Scouting) in order to refelct the wider area of interest of the network, which is going beyond training.

Next year will see the sixth edition of this event at the DPSG Westernohe Scout Centre in Germany from 26 to 29 May 2016, where issues of common interest for National Commissioner and other Leaders directly involved at the national level  in supporting the personal development of adults in their association.

=> Find out more about this event in Regional Circular 26 2015 (available in English only).
=> Make sure to register for #movis2016 on the MOVIS Network website before 21 April 2016!