Tag Archives: Berlin

The European Scout Committee (WOSM) returns from successful meetings in Berlin

The Hotel and Conference Centre for the 14th European Scout and Guide Conference (Berlin, 16-21 August 2013)

(WSB/Geneva) – Last weekend, the members of the European Scout committee of WOSM had a regular meeting in Berlin, Germany. Discussing a range of matters concerning the work and governance of the European Region, the Committee focused in particular on preparing upcoming Regional events, such as the 5th European Scout Symposium (Dublin, April 2013) and the 21st European Scout Conference (Berlin, August 2013).

14th European Guide Conference


Europe Committee WAGGGS is happy to join with our hosts for the next European Conferences, Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbände and Ring deutscher Pfadfindervebände, to invite you most sincerely to join us for the 14th European Guide Conference and the 14th European Guide and Scout Conference.