Tag Archives: European Scout Forum

WOSM Circular 19/2011 – The 7th European Educational Methods Forum

6th Forum, Obidos, Portugal, 2009

Call for Partners to join funding project – The European Educational Methods Forum, which has been, for more than 10 years, the main meeting point for national commissioners for Youth Programme and Adult Resources/Training and members of their teams.

Hundreds of “satisfied customers” can testify that the Forum is an excellent opportunity for real networking among people sharing the same responsibility, a great training event and a laboratory for the future Regional programmes and projects. Countless partnerships have been forged during the Forums and many of the developments in the Region had their roots in discussions and sessions during this event.

Four years after the previous Forum (which took place in Obidos, Portugal, in 2008) the European Scout Region is proposing the
7th edition
– scheduled to take place in the beautiful touristic resort of Predeal, in the heart of the Transylvanian Alps, in Romania, between 30 May and 3 June 2012.

Therefore, if you want to take part in the 7th European Educational Methods Forum  and get following costs covered by grant:

  • Participant travel costs: 70 % of travel costs from home to the venue of the project and return
  • using the cheapest method and fares (Economy class plane ticket, 2nd class train ticket);
  • Accommodation / food costs: EUR 51.00 x number of nights x number of official participants;
  • Activity costs: EUR 1200.00 + EUR 50.00 x number of official participants;
  • Exceptional costs: any costs directly related to young people with fewer opportunities / special
  • needs or warranted by the special nature of the activities; visa costs;

For each NSO and NSA this means that if you are a partner:

  • Only 30% of the travel costs to cover
  • Lower or no participation fees
  • If participants need a visa, the costs related to obtaining the visa are covered

The application should be submitted by ‘Cercetasii Românei’ (the National Scout Organisation of Romania), which will submit an application for a Youth in Action funding project at the national level.

So, if your NSO/NSA is interested in attending read carefuly attached circular and fill it in, sign and send the ‘Preliminary Partner Agreement Form’ (PPA, annex) by 26 October 2011.