Tag Archives: #EuropeanScoutRegion

Committee.Update March 2019 (European Scout Region)

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The European Scout Region is pleased to share with you the most recent Committee.Update which summarises the discussion of and decisions made by the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) at its recent regular meeting held in Split, Croatia:

Committee.Update March 2019

7th European Scout Symposium


We are pleased to invite key decision makers of Member Organisations in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to the 7th European Scout Symposium, scheduled to take place in Valletta, Malta, from 29 to 31 March 2019.

The Symposium is an important event in the life of the European Scout Region when it looks back on what was achieved in the triennium, on what is hoped to be achieved by the end of the tirennium, on what needs to change and on what will be done in future triennia. The event will help set the agenda for work leading to the development of the Regional Scout Plan for the period 2019 and beyond (see also Regional Circular 24 2018 for more details about this development process).

The Symposium will take place immediately after the Extraordinary Meeting of the European Scout Conference, held at the same venue on 29 March 2019.

=> Find out more about the Symposium, including a link to a registration form, in Regional Circular 39 2018. Please make sure to register before the deadline 15 January 2019.

RESOURCES – Funding Opportunities in Europe (Regional Circular 11 2019)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to provide you an update on Funding Opportunities available to Member Organisations (NSOs and NSAs) in Europe (Regional Circular 11 2019).

This document is a working tool for all NSOs and NSAs in the European Scout Region, aiming to offer comprehensive information about the different funding opportunities available in Europe to support NSOs and NSA in their development. It gives an overview of the available funding opportunities, with useful information and direct contacts. Particular attention is given to deadlines and procedures to enable you to be aware of the amount of time and preparation required for an application.

If you are interested to know more about the different opportunities, if you are have a specific question, or if you would like some support to develop an application, please do not hesitate to submit a WOSM Service Request or contact Péter in the Europe Support Centre, Brussels.

Pour nos lecteurs et lectrices francophones, la brochure est également disponible en français.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – Fundraisers’ Network Meeting 2019 (Regional Circular 05 2019)


The European Scout Region is pleased to invite you to the Fundraisers’ Network Meeting, which will be held in Prague, Czechia, from 31 May – 3 June 2019. The deadline for registrations is 1 March 2019.

This meeting is organised by the European Scout Region to offer Member Oragnisations an opportunity to share relevant best practices, challenges and needs in the field of fundraising, with a special focus on crowdfunding this year. The overall idea of the network is to share and create information about on-going practices and resources in funding, as well as to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

=> Please find all details about the Fundraisers’ Network Meeting 2019 in our Regional Circular 05 2019

CALL FOR PARTNERS FOR AN ERASMUS+ PROJECT – European Solidartity Corps Volunteers (Regional Circular 03 2019)


The European Scout region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) intends to submit an Erasmus+ project application to host two European Solidarity Corps volunteers at the European Scout Region’s Europe Support Centre in Brussels, for which your NSO/NSA can be a partner.

To be able to be a partner in this project, please check carefully all details contained in Regional Circular 03 2019. The applications will be submitted at national level by the relevant hosting NSO. The deadline for your expressions of interest is Friday, 15 February 2019.

=> Find all relevant information in Regional Circular 03 2019