Tag Archives: #EuropeanScoutRegion

MOVIS – Management of Volunteers in Scouting: Network Meeting 2016

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The Network Meeting of Commissioners involved in the management of adult resources is one of the well-known and successful networking opportunities for Leaders (on national level) of National Scout Organisations (NSOs) and National Scout Associations (NSAs) of the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

Formerly known under the acronym TCNM (for: Training Commissioners Network Meeting) it has now updated its name to MOVIS (for: Management of Volunteers in Scouting) in order to refelct the wider area of interest of the network, which is going beyond training.

Next year will see the sixth edition of this event at the DPSG Westernohe Scout Centre in Germany from 26 to 29 May 2016, where issues of common interest for National Commissioner and other Leaders directly involved at the national level  in supporting the personal development of adults in their association.

=> Find out more about this event in Regional Circular 26 2015 (available in English only).
=> Make sure to register for #movis2016 on the MOVIS Network website before 21 April 2016!

Overture Network – Spring Meeting 2016


The Overture Network encourages Guide and Scout associations in the Europe to open up the associations for young people originating from ethnic and other minority groups. The participation of children and youths with different backgrounds is based on the principle that Guiding and Scouting are open to all people.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place at Burg Rieneck in Germany.

More information about the event will be available on the Overture Network’s website in due course!

Scouting Without Barriers – LGBT Training 2016

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To continue the series of trainings and following the Scouting for All – Roundtable LGBTI – “Inclusion of LGBTI (lesbian-gay-bi-trans-intersex) in Scouting” organised in Brussels (Belgium), in June 2015, the European Scout Region of WOSM successfully applied to the Council of Europe – European Youth Foundation for the implementation of the Work Plan 2016.

The aim of the project is to be more open towards welcoming all young people, with a specific focus towards LGBTIQ+ youth and provide them a safe environment.

Application deadline: 6 April 2016

Find out more about the LGBT Training in information made available in Regional Circular 9 2016!

9th European Scout Agora – Colour your World!

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We invite up to 4 Rovers and/or Rangers from your National Scout Association to live this empowering, inspiring, meaningful but also fun and exciting experience built “for Rovers by Rovers”, with the support of the European Scout Region and the European Union.

We will encourage your Scouts, inspire them, and put them in a position to be actively involved. However, the European Agora is not only about education; it is also about letting young adults explore, share, and express themselves in an international environment.

Sofia, Stephan, Sarah and Violeta
(The Agora 2016 Planning Team)

For moe details, please check the Agora 2016 Invitation Letter (avaialblae in English only) and the Agora 2016 website!

Regional Circular 11 2016 – Call for Partners: Erasmus+ Projects for Partnerships Event 2017 and Youth Spokespersons Training 2017 (deadline: 20 April 2016)


This circular provides you with information on the next two applications for which your NSO/NSA can be partners:
(a) the Partnerships Event 2017 and
(b) the Youth Spokespersons Training 2017

Both events are scheduled to take place in 2017 in Belgium (Partnerships Event) and Iceland (Youth Spokespersons Training), respectively.