Tag Archives: #EuropeanScoutRegion

Regional Circular 28 2016 – Extended Open Call Recruitment: Regional Treasurer

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The deadline of the Open call for the recruitment of the next Treasurer of the European Scout Region (initially launched with Regional Circular 22 2016) has been extended to 10 December 2016. A role description for this position (Annex 1) and the terms of reference of the future Financial Support Group (Annex 2) are attached.

Regional Circular 27 2016: NSO Support Achieving the Regional Scout Plan

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A little later than initially foreseen, the European Scout Committee is pleased to share the list of volunteers appointed to a number of teams in five different areas of work to support it in achieving the goal set in the new Regional Scout Plan. These had been carefully selected from among 133 candidates who had replied to an open call launched earlier in the year.

Regional Circular 26 2016: Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 Released

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The European Scout Committee is pleased to share with you the initial elaboration of the Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019. Following the Regional Conference in June the Committee has been engaged in a number of training opportunities, and was in particular guided by best NGO practice to allow the regional working groups to determine their own Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and to measure them on a regular basis.

Regional Circular 25 2016 – Regional Update October 2016


Four months after the 22nd European Scout Conference in Norway the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) felt it appropriate to share an update of work so far accomplished with the National Scout Organisations and Nationals Scout Associations.

Find the Committee’s message in Regional Circular 25 2016:

– Regional Circular 25 2016 – Regional Update October 2016 (English, French)

Overture Diversity Network – Autumn 2016 Meeting


As the Overture Diversity Network’s Steering Group, we have the pleasure to invite you to the next Overture Diversity Network Meeting in Dublin, Ireland. This meeting will be hosted by Catholic Guides of Ireland (CGI), from 14 to 16 October 2016.

The steering group and hosting team have planned a great weekend around our subject of ethnic and social diversity and disability. The meeting will be an opportunity to meet open- and likeminded Guides and Scouts working in this area across the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS.

We very much hope to see all of you, new and old, networking to make the European Regions more open and inclusive.

All relevant information about the event is contained in the Invitation and Practical Information.

A registration form for the Overture Diversity Network Meeting is avaialble on the website of the Catholic Guides of Ireland.

The Overture Diversity Network’s Steering Group is pleased to announce that some funding was received from WAGGGS to assist in the running costs of the meeting. The participation fee is therefore lowered from EUR 95.00 to EUR 80.00.