Tag Archives: #EuropeanScoutRegion

Regional Circular 24 2016 – Report of the 22nd European Scout Conference

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The European Scout Region is pleased to share with you the Report of the 22nd European Scout Conference which took place earlier this year in conjunction with the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference in Melsomvik, Norway.

Regional Circular 22 – Open Call Recruitment: Regional Treasurer


The European Scout Region is launching an open a call to recruit a Regional Treasurer to complete the members of the legal entity under which it operates, the World Scout Bureau – European Regional Office (WSB-ERO) which comprises the elected members of the European Scout Committee who are supported by two ex-officio, non-voting members, the Regional Director and the Regional Treasurer.

Please refer to Regional Circular 22 and its two annexes for all relevant information and insutrctions how to apply for this interesting volunteer role in support of Scouting in Europe:

– Regional Circular 22 2016 (Letter) – Open Call Recruitment: Regional Treasurer (English, French)
– Regional Circular 22 2016 (Annex 1) – Regional Treasurer: Role Description (English, French)
– Regional Circular 22 2016 (Annex 2) – TErms of Reference: Finance Support Group (English, French)

Regional Circular 21 2016 – RoverNet & VentureNet 2016

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One of the main conclusions from the previous RoverNet and VentureNet Meetings was the need and desire of Venture and Rover Commissioners to continue to have exchange opportunities and to continue to meet regularly as a network.

Regional Circular 20 2016 – Events and Opportunities 2016-2017


The new “Scout Year” is just two weeks old and things are already beginning to move regarding the programme of events in the European Scout Region  for the next calendar year.

Find an overview of planned events and opportunities in the European Scout Region’s Circular 20 2016 and its annexes:

– Regional Circular 20 2016 (Letter) – Overview of Events and Opportunities 2016-2017 (English, French)
– Regional Circular 20 2016 (Annex 1) – List of Planned Activities (English, French)
– Regional Circular 20 2016 (Annex 2) – List of possible upcoming Calls for Partners for grant applications (English, French)

Regional Circular 19 2016 – Committee Contact System in the European Scout Region

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The European Scout Committee’s primary objective is to support the National Scout Organisations and National Scout Associations in the Region as well as their International Commissioners in making a positive impact on society through Scouting.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by working together through the Committee Contact System. Through this system, each NSO will have a Committee Member available to share information, listen to needs and work together to strengthen the organisation.

For more details please refer to Regional Circular 19 2016:

Regional Circular 19 2016: Committee Contact System 2016-2019 (in English)
Regional Circular 19 2016: Committee Contact System 2016-2019 (en français)