WE Connect replaces EUROPAK
Thursday, 6 June 2019 -
INFORMATION – From EUROPAK to WE Connect – the new Joint Regional Website (Regional Circular 21 2019)
Wednesday, 5 June 2019 -
EUROPEAN JAMBOREE 2020 – Recruitment of International Service Staff (Joint Communication 05 2019)
Friday, 24 May 2019 -
23rd EUROPEAN SCOUT CONFERENCE – Announcing two Crowdcasts in preparation of the Conference (Conference Circular 09)
Wednesday, 22 May 2019 -
RECIRCULATION – FOR REVIEW: Draft Memorandum of Understanding (Joint Communication 04)
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
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Tag Archives: France
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – “My Europe, My Say!” Youth Events in France (Regional Circular 38 2018)

The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and its partners in the “My Europe, My Say!” project are inviting interested members of National Scout Organisations and Associations (NSOs/NSAs) and AEGEE local organisations to join two youth events, happening at the same time and focussing on “Multiculturalism and European Citizenship”and “Europe and Me: Understand, Mobilise, Act!” organised in Morbecque and Strasbourg between 16-22 February 2019 by the European Scout Region, Scouts et Guides de France (SGDF) and Eclaireuses Eclaireurs de France (EEDF).
The youth events will offer a 5-day intensive insight into the importance of youth participation in Europe with a side focus on the upcoming European Elections 2019. The five-day events will gather participants who want to learn about European politics and processes. Participants will create an action plan that they can implement in their local Scout group and with their peers to mobilise young people around youth participation issues.
The events are co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
=> Find out all relevant details about this Call for Participants in Regional Circular 38 2018!
Le Loup hurleur est rentré à la maison: Robert « Bob » Wilmes 1928-2018

C’est avec grande tristesse que la Région Européenne du Scoutisme de l’Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scout (OMMS) s’associe aux membres des Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs en France et de l’Association des Scouts du Canada et aux Scouts autour du monde en mémoire de Robert « Bob » Wilmes, ancien représentant permanent de l’OMMS auprès de l’UNESCO et honoré en 2001 pour son engagement pour le Scoutisme mondial avec le Loup de Bronze, qui est rentré à la maison la semaine passée.
CALL FOR ERASMUS+ PROJECT PARTNERS – Growth Event 2019 (Updated Regional Circular 17 2018)

The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share important information on the upcoming application for an Erasmus+ project grant, for which your NSO/NSA can be a partner: the 2nd Growth Event of the European Scout Region, which is scheduled to take place in France from 23-26 May 2019. The funding application will be submitted at the national level by the relevant hosting NSO.
The deadline for your expressions of interest and submission of relevant documents is Saturday 1 September 2018.
All relevant information, including a link to the specific mandat which interested potential partners need to complete, is available in the Updated Regional Circular 17 2018.
“How to Accompany Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants?”

Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (28): a training course offered by IICoS in France
Nadine Lyamouri-Bajja, one of the workshop facilitators at the upcoming #RefugeeResponseSeminar hosted by the Danish Guides and Scouts and supported by the European Scout Region and WOSM’s Messengers of Peace initiative, and her colleague Barbara Pelkmann are organising an International Training Seminar on “How to Accompany Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants?”.
The Course is proposed as a direct repsonse to challenges faced by professionals and volunteers of many institutions, associations and public services confronted with the continuous arrival of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Europe. It aims at developing intercultural competences and strengthening skills in diversity management. Participants will return home with a better understanding of how best to council and support refugees, asylum seekers and migrants during their arrival and integration process.
Details about this International Training Seminar are available in English, French and German, the three course languages.
New dates for Roverway 2016 in France

After careful consideration, we have decided to change the Roverway 2016 dates from July to August – the event will take place from the 3rd to the 14th of August 2016.