Tag Archives: #MessengersOfPeace

Scouts cleaning shores of Lesbos: broken rubber dinghies, inflatable tires and life vests of all shapes and sizes

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (17): a story from the island of Lesbos, Greece:

“This weekend, some 40 Scouts from Ελληνικός Προσκοπισμός were on their second mission to the island of Lesbos where they once again joined local Scouts and volunteers from other civil society organisations engaged in refugee support activities.

A group of  Scouts spent the two days on the beaches and collected waste and items no longer needed and left behind by refugees arriving on the island, like broken rubber dinghies, inflatable tires or life vests of all shapes and sizes.

At the same time, several dozen of children and young people joined Scouts in Mytilini, the main port of Lesbos and its capital city, for two days of fun and games: a welcome opportunity for the refugees to escape their hardship and boredom for a couple of hours: anyone passing the village square would have seen a group of happy children laughing and spending a jolly good time. And the smile on parents’ faces was as rewarding to the Scouts as the signs of gratitude expressed by the children.”

This activity was made possible thanks to support received from the World Scout Foundation.

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!

Ahmed, here is your new scarf: may it remind you of the one you left back home!

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (16): a story from the island of Kos, Greece:

“Yesterday, two groups of Scouts from Ελληνικός Προσκοπισμός left for the islands of ‪#‎Λέσβος and ‪#‎Κως where they spend the weekend and joined volunteers from other civil society organisations engaged in refugee support activities.

For a couple of hours, children, young people and their families will be able to leave behind their hardship and boredom and the children can do what other children would do on a sunny afternoon: have fund and play games!

One of them boys who joined the activities in Kos is Ahmed. He is from Syria, where he and his family had to leave everything behind when they fled the atrocities of war. No time to pack the scarf, though. Because Ahmed is a Scout and was a member of the local group of the Scouts of Syria back home in his village in Syria.

All children went back to the refugee centre tired but with smiles and laughter. They will certainly be back for another day of games and fun activities tomorrow with the Scouts of Greece. And Ahmed will proudly wear his new scarf, which he received from his Greek friends!”

This activity is made possible thanks to support received from the World Scout Foundation.

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!

Scouts of Greece on Lesbos bring back smiles and laughter to children’s faces

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (11): a story from Mytilini on the island of Lesbos, Greece:

“Members of Ελληνικός Προσκοπισμός (The Scouts of Greece, a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement) from mainland Greece travelled to the island of Lesbos to offer their time, enthusiasm and skills to the local community engaged in refugee support activities. While some Scouts and Leaders spent the day with children, young people and their families in Mytilini, the main port of Lesbos, and the refugee camp in Kara Tepe playing games and running activities, others helped clear the area of tons of waste.

‘The spirit of volunteering is the feeling that overwhelms you when you think you can change something’, says Mariana, from the national team of the Scouts of Greece. ‘You realise that you can offer something to society and can become an inspiration to others to do the same. Laughing, communicating, building bridges, being present and listening, catching up, and feeling proud of what you can accomplish. You feel that you can stand your ground. And you are grateful that you are working together with great people for a common purpose!’

This activity is made possible thanks to support received from the World Scout Foundation and will continue the coming weekend.”

We will bring a full story and more pictures from Lesbos in a couple of days.

And if you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!