Tag Archives: #ScoutGuideSupport

Swapping pencil and textbook for plaster and paintbrush!

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (18): a story from Eupen, Belgium:

“Early in September the FEDASIL (the Belgian federal agency for the welcome of asylum seekers) announced that a new local refugee welcome centre would be opened at the Elsenborn Army Camp in the German Community in eastern Belgium. And only a few days later the agency launched a call for volunteers to help prepare and run the centre.

When the Pioneer Scouts (the equivalent of Explorer or Venture Scouts in other association) of the St Martin Scout Group in Eupen (members of Les Scouts, one of the National Scout and Guide Associations in Belgium) heard about this, they quickly agreed that they would offer their skills and time: they volunteered to renovate one of the larger rooms at the refugee centre and to transform it into an indoor playground!

Over several days Scouts came together, swapped their Scout shirt for a workman’s outfit and became active: taking out old furniture, repairing and repainting walls, floor and ceiling, cleaning windows, and refitting the room with new carpets and furniture. In the coming days, a selection of games and toys collected from friends and relations will be added to those already available.

And soon everything will be ready to welcome children and young people and allow them to leave behind boredom: laughter and excitement will fill a previously abandoned room of the FEDASIL’s Elsenborn Refugee Centre!”

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!

Mutual refugee support in Eidomeni (GR): we provide the tents, you care for the patients

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (15): a story from Eidomeni, Greece:

As part of the many refugee support activities in local communities across Greece, members of Πρόσκοποι του Κιλκίς (the local Scout Group in Kilkis, a member of Ελληνικός Προσκοπισμός in the north of the country) provided large tents to the medical support team of Médecins du Monde Greece, in Eidomeni, a train station at the border to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Some of those tents are now used by the refugee camp medical station while others provide temporary accommodation for refugees before they continue their journey.

In addition to this material support, many Scouts from Πρόσκοποι Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας (including Scouts from Thessaloniki and other Groups in the local Scout Region of the Scouts of Greece) regularly offer their time, skills and experience to support the refugee centre in Idomeni.”

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!

“will/kommen/an/kommen” – because we are engaged in our local community!


Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (14): a story from Styria, Austria:

„Like a number of other regional Scout and Guide Associations in Austria and confronted with the realities of the situation faced by refugees arriving in their country, members of the regional board of Steirische Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen (the Scouts and Guides of Styria, a member of  Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs (PPÖ) thought how best Scouts and Guides in Styria could offer their skills, time and material to refugee support activities in their local communities.

While a number of Scouts and Guides quickly joined other volunteers from civil society organisations and contniue to engaged at the main regional refugee welcome centre outside Graz, the capital city of Styria, the regional board called for a meeting with representatives of all Scout and Guide Groups of Styria to discuss which further activities could be envisaged, remembering their promise to ‘leave this world a little better than they found it’.

The result is the new initiative “will/kommen/an/kommen” (welcoming/arriving). ‘With this project we want to express that as Scouts and Guides we are not only here to contribute to prevent that children, young people, women and men who had to leave everything behind are exposed to further hardships as they continue their journey. We are also concerned about how we can best welcome into our local communities those refugee children and young people and their families who have applied for an asylum in our country.’

This is why the Scouts and Guides of Styria started collecting relevant methods and materials for child and youth work, plan expert led workshops and trainings for the Scout and Guide Leaders, and organise children’s game afternoons, to name but a few examples through which the association wants to underline its intention to live to the project’s motto ‘will/kommen/an/kommen’.”

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!

Creating a better world for unaccompanied refugee children

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (13): a story from Tirol, Austria:

“Due to the growing number of stories and pictures in the media, we noticed that there is a significant amount of unaccompanied children and young people among the refugees seeking asylum in our country. This convinced us, members of the Provincial Youth Council (Landesjugenrat Tirol) of the Scouts and Guides of Tirol (Tiroler Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen, a member of PPÖ – Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnnen Österreichs) to launch an activity adressing this particular aspect: the project  ‘Create a better world: Gute Taten für Kinder auf der Flucht’ was born!

With this project, we want to draw the public’s attention to the destiny of unaccomanied children and young people among the refugees arriving in Tirol. At the same time we also give visibility to the Scout and Guide Movement in our country and explain our involvement in local community actions in support of refugees.

Within a day we had created a big information board and sought permission for the authorities to have an information stand in Innsbruck’s main pedestrian zone. And we found enough volunteers among local Scout and Guide Groups to be present from 22 September to 8 October 2015.

The activity is essentially a fund raising campaign in support of the Austrian branch of SOS Kinderdorf, the international organisation whose mission it is to ‘build families for children in need, we help them shape their own futures, and we share in the development of their communities’. A number of the unaccompanied refugee children have already been welcomed by SOS Kinderdorf and our fund raising activity helps SOS Kinderdorf to provide them with psychological support, language courses, recreational activities and, last but not least, a stable home and the possibility to develop a self-determined life. At our information stand, we explain this and invite pedestrians to donate some of their change for this cause.

And the best part of the story so far: within a week our Scouts and Guides collected more than EUR 3000! The enthusiasm about this unexpected  success of our campaign glows both in the people directly involved and those walking by and hearing about it. Evidently, there are also pedestrians who are annoyed and do not sympathise, but the overall feeling of being able to make a significant difference is what carries this project most.”

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!

Scouts of Greece on Lesbos bring back smiles and laughter to children’s faces

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (11): a story from Mytilini on the island of Lesbos, Greece:

“Members of Ελληνικός Προσκοπισμός (The Scouts of Greece, a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement) from mainland Greece travelled to the island of Lesbos to offer their time, enthusiasm and skills to the local community engaged in refugee support activities. While some Scouts and Leaders spent the day with children, young people and their families in Mytilini, the main port of Lesbos, and the refugee camp in Kara Tepe playing games and running activities, others helped clear the area of tons of waste.

‘The spirit of volunteering is the feeling that overwhelms you when you think you can change something’, says Mariana, from the national team of the Scouts of Greece. ‘You realise that you can offer something to society and can become an inspiration to others to do the same. Laughing, communicating, building bridges, being present and listening, catching up, and feeling proud of what you can accomplish. You feel that you can stand your ground. And you are grateful that you are working together with great people for a common purpose!’

This activity is made possible thanks to support received from the World Scout Foundation and will continue the coming weekend.”

We will bring a full story and more pictures from Lesbos in a couple of days.

And if you are involved in a similar refugee support activity, let us know and we will share it, too!