Tag Archives: Scouts

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – “My Europe, My Say!” Youth Events in France (Regional Circular 38 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and its partners in the “My Europe, My Say!” project are inviting interested members of National Scout Organisations and Associations (NSOs/NSAs) and AEGEE local organisations to join two youth events, happening at the same time and focussing on “Multiculturalism and European Citizenship”and “Europe and Me: Understand, Mobilise, Act!” organised in Morbecque and Strasbourg between 16-22 February 2019 by the European Scout Region, Scouts et Guides de France (SGDF) and Eclaireuses Eclaireurs de France (EEDF).

The youth events will offer a 5-day intensive insight into the importance of youth participation in Europe with a side focus on the upcoming European Elections 2019. The five-day events will gather participants who want to learn about European politics and processes. Participants will create an action plan that they can implement in their local Scout group and with their peers to mobilise young people around youth participation issues.

The events are co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

=> Find out all relevant details about this Call for Participants in Regional Circular 38 2018!

CALL FOR AN EXTRA-ORDINARY MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN SCOUT CONFERENCE: Invitation, Agenda and Documentation (Regional Circular 37 2018)


In compliance with provisions of the Constitution of the European Scout Region (2016) the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is calling for an extra-ordinary meeting of the European Scout Conference. This meeting is scheduled to take place in Valletta, Malta, on Friday 29 March 2019, commencing at 9.00.

The invitation, agenda and documentation was dispatched to prinicipal contacts of National Scout Organizations and National Scout Associations of the European Region on 28 November 2018 and comprised of the following documents:

Further information about the venue will be communicated shortly.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – 16th European Scout & Guide Centre Managers’ Conference 2019 (Joint Communication 16 2018)


We are happy to invite you to the next Centre Managers’ Conference (CMC) which is a networking and sharing event organised jointly by the network of European Guide and Scout Centres (known as the Goose Network) with support from the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM. The CMC 2019 will take place at Larch Hill Scout Centre in Ireland from 10 to 13 October 2019, with a meeting of the Goose Network starting in the evening of 9 October 2019.

This information is intended for Managers of Scout and Guide Centres. Please forward it to anyone who might be interested.

=> Please find all relevant information in Joint Communication 16 2018. The deadline for declarations of interest is 31 December 2018.

POSTPONED – Fundraisers’ Netwoork Meeting of the European Scout Region


The European Scout Region regrets to inform you that the Fundrasiers’ Network Meeting, originally planned to take place in Braga, Portugal, from 16-19 November 2018, has now been postponed.

The event is now scheduled to happen in Spring 2019. A new Call for Participants will be issued in due course.

Job Opportunity Europe – Intern, South East Europe Member Organizations (Regional Circular 36 2018)

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Have you always wanted to join the team of the Europe Support Centre of the World Scout Bureau? If your answer is “yes”, then this new job opportunity is probably a way to realise your dream!

The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is hiring an intern to support our Member Organizations in South East Europe. The position will be based at an office of one of the National Scout Organisation in this sub-region of the European Scout Region.

Find out all relevant details in the Information Pack (available in English only) for this position. Deadline to submit applications is 7 December 2018 (just before midnight).