Tag Archives: Scouts

Call for Participants – Hand in Hand. Stronger Together (Regional Circular 26 2018)

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The European Scout Region and its partners in the Time to be Welcome project are inviting interested members of National Scout Organisations (NSOs) of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to a four-day event in Brussels, Belgium, from 7-10 December 2018.

Under the title Hand in Hand. Stronger together the event will address questions and share best practices related to how associations can reach out and include refugees and migrants in Scouting.

The event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, the KAICIID International Dialogue Centre, and the Messengers of Peace Support Fund.

=> Find out more about this event in Regional Circular 26 2018. Make sure to register by 15 October 2018.

INVITATION to the 23rd European Scout Conference and the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference & CALL for Planning Team Members (Regional Circular 25 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is happy to join Savez izvidaca Hrvatske (the Croatian Scout Association) to invite National Scout Organisations (NSOs) to participate in the 23rd European Scout Conference and additionally, with our colleagues in the Europe Region WAGGGS, to participate in the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference. The events will take place in Split, Croatia, from 24 to 28 August 2019.

The Committee’s message contained in Regional Circular 25 2018 has the following three elements:

  1. Information about the European Conferences
  2. Call for members of the planning team for the European Scout Conference
  3. Raising awareness of the need for diverse and competent nominations for the elections to the European Scout Committee

Please note that the deadline for nominations of candidates for the Conference Planning Team (point 2 above) is 1 November 2018.

The Next EUROPEAN REGIONAL SCOUT PLAN – Your Part in its Development (Regional Circular 24 2018)

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Just about 50 weeks before delegates and observers from the 40 Member Organisations in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) will gather in Split, Croatia, for the 23rd European Scout Conference (and the concurrent 16th European Guide and Scout Confernece), the European Scout Region is pleased to provide an important update about the process for developing the Region’s next Regional Scout Plan – the RSP. Feedback, through resolutions and direct comments from across the Region, has been taken on board to come up with a process that can ensure full involvement.

Please check Regional Circular 24 2018 for more details, including a list of different actions expected by Member Organisations over the coming months.


Eurosea 14 – European Sea Scout Seminar 2018


Every two years the informal network of Sea Scout branches of National Scout Organisations (NSOs) and Member Organisations (MOs) of the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS organise a European Sea Scout Seminar.

The 2018 edition is hosted by the Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge at the International Sailing Centre Barcelona and will take place from 5 to 9 September 2018.

Please check the Event Information published on this website for more details, including the downloadable Application Form.

Call for Participants – Fundraisers’ Network Meeting 2018 (Regional Circular 23 2018)

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The European Scout Region is pleased to invite you to the Fundraisers’ Network Meeting 2018, which will be held in Braga, Portugal, from 16 to 19 November 2018.

At the Fundraisers’ Network Meeting, the objectives are:

  • Sharing best practices in fundraising (crowdfunding, …)
  • Discussing about fundraising strategies and how to use them
  • Sharing knowledge on collaboration with the private sector (CSR)
  • Discovering new European funding opportunities coming with the recently discussed new Multiannual Financial Framework (new Erasmus + programme, European Solidarity Corps, Rights and Values programme, and others)

Please check Regional Circular 23 2018 for all relevant details and make sure to register before 14 October 2018.