Tag Archives: Scouts

Annex III to the MoU of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM (Joint Communication 05 2018)


At the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference held in Melsomvik, Norway, from 17-21 June 2016, representatives of the Guide and Scout associations in the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS recommended that “the Joint Committee develops and implements a third annex to the Memorandum of Understanding of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM, outlining the joint approach to external relations” (cf. recommendation 15EGSC/6, published in Joint Conference Document 6).

Volunteers engaged in relevant working groups of the European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS have worked together over the past months to develop the recommended Annex III to the Memorandum of Understanding of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM, which has since been adopted by the Joint Committee.

Joint Communication 05 2018 presents you with the new Annex III, which now forms integral part of the Memorandum of Understanding of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.

EVENT INVITATION: 5th International Patrol Jamboree, Korea, August 2018 (Regional Circular 14 2018)


The Korea Scout Association (KSA) has extended an invitation to seven Scouts from seven different National Scout Organisations (NSO) in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to attend the 5th International Patrol Jamboree, which will take place at Mt. Seorak, Gangwon Province, Korea, from 2 to 8 August 2018.

Some 8000 Scouts from Korea will spend a memorable week packed with exciting activities and will be joined by some 500 Scouts from overseas, including seven invited Scouts from Europe, thanks to the generous solidarity programme “Operation Seorak”. Will one of them be a Scout from your association? Check Regional Circular 14 2018 for all relevant details!

Deadline for nominations is 5 June 2018.

CALL FOR PARTNERS for a large Erasmus+ Project on Youth Participation (Regional Circular 11 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement is launching a Call for Partners for a large Erasmus+ Project on Youth Participation!

Regional Circular 11 2018 contains  all important information should your National Scout Organisation or National Scout Association consider becoming a partner in this project. Should this be the case, please check carefully the rules indicated in the document and follow all the steps described. The funding application will be submitted at the European level by the WSB Europe Support Centre, Brussels.

The deadline for your expressions of interest is Friday 4 May 2018.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – GSAT Self-Assessment Training 2018 (Regional Circular 10 2018)

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The European Scout Region’s Strengthening our Organisation Area of Operations is organising the 2nd European Regional GSAT Self-Assessment Training, which is scheduled to take place in Vienna, Austria, from 26 to 30 September 2018.

If you are …

  • on your way to change your organisation, create a new strategy or vision, and develop a new programme or another change process and need a baseline review of your NSO/NSA;
  • interested in assessing the weaknesses and strengths of your organisation/association at a national and/or regional level,
  • planning to do that yourself or with the help of somebody within your organisation,
  • and would you like to know more about the WOSM standard Global Support Assessment Tool (GSAT),

then you should not miss this event!

Fint out more about the 2nd European Regional GSAT Self-Assessment Training in our Regional Circular 10 2018!

Deadline for submission of applications to participate in this event supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union is 1 September 2018.

CALL FOR PARTNERS FOR AN ERASMUS+ PROJECT: The Academy 2018 (Joint Communication 04 2018)

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The Europea Region of the World Associations of Gilr Gudies and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), in partnership with the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is launching a Call for Partners for the following joint project:

  • The Academy 2018 (planned to be held in the FYRO Macedonia from 30 October to 3 November 2018)

Joint Communication 04 2018 provides you with relevant information to help your Member Organisation, National Scout Organisation or National Scout Assocation to determine whether or not it is interested in joining this project as a partner: https://bit.ly/2GG3t0N

The deadline for declaring your interest in becoming partner is 20 April 2018.