Tag Archives: Scouts

CALL FOR BIDS TO HOST THE “IC FORUM 2019″ (Joint Comunication 03 2018)


The European Regional Committees of WAGGGS and WOSM have agreed that there will be an International Commissioners’ Forum in 2019 with a number of objectives including:

  • Providing an opportunity for sharing experiences between International Commissioners;
  • Provide a platform to offer induction training to new International Commissioners;
  • To provide an opportunity to review progress on work resulting from the strategic partnership and to inform planning of future work in partnership;
  • To stimulate new ideas, tools and services.

To fulfil these objectives, the Committees wish to open a call for bids to host the IC Forum 2019.

Please check Joint Communication 03 2018 to find more about this call!

Deadline for submission of candidatures is 12h00 CEST on 18 May 2018, by which time interested parties should have returned to the two Regional Offices the duly completed Bidding Questionnaire in English or in French.

CALL FOR INITIAL STAKEHOLDERS “Go Scout, Go Guide Abroad!” (Joint Communication 02 2018)


With Joint Communication 02 2018, the Joint Working Group “Go Scout & Go Guide Abroad” of the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS (previously known as “Erascout/Eraguide”, set up as a result of a recommendation of the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference), would like to:

  • inform you about the progress made so far;
  • and invite you to participate in the process of building an online tool for Scouts and Guides to connect in order to facilitate youth mobility (in collaboration with Scouterna, Sweden).

For more details, please check Joint Communication 02 2018 and reply by 30 April 2018!

Committee.Update March 2018 (European Scout Region)

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The European Scout Region is pleased to share with you the most recent Committee.Update which summarises the discussion and decisions made by the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement at its recent regular meeting held in Leusden in the Netherlands:

REISSUED EDITION – Committee.Update March 2018

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS of Heads of Contigent: EJ2020 (Joint Communication 01 2018)


The European Scout Region of WOSM, in collaboration with the Europe Region of WAGGGS and Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego (the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association, ZHP), is pleased to invite you to nominate your Head of Contigent for the European Jamboree 2020.

You find all relevant information in Joint Communication 01 2018, which was also directly dispatched to all member organisatioon of both Regions.

Please note the tight deadline set by the Jamboree Executive Team for nominating you Headd of Contigent: 31 March 2018!

EJ2020 – Brief Information March 2018
EJ2020 – Nomination Form for Heads of Contigent (deadline 31 March 2018)
EJ2020 – Registration Form for Contigent (deadline 31 May 2018)


QUESTIONNAIRE: Region’s Governance Model (Regional Circular 09 2018)

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As part of the tasks of the Working Methods team in the European Scout Region of WOSM, we are working on a new accepted governance model for the Region.

We will be thankful for your time in answering a few short questions about the work of the European Scout Committee and the European Scout Region:

=> QUESTIONNAIRE: Region’s Governance Model