Tag Archives: Scouts

Call for Participants: Guide & Scout Centre Manager’s Conference

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All Scout and Guide Centres, big or small, have successes and face challenges. There is always something to share or learn from each other. The aim of the biennial popular European Guide and Scout Centre Manager’s Conference is to strengthen and develop co-operation among Guide and Scout Centres across Europe and to facilitate strong working relations between the staff running these centres.

The 15th Conference is scheduled to take place from 12 to 15 October 2017 at the Úlfljótsvatn Scout Centre in Iceland.

All relevant information is available in the Event Documentation. Please note the very short registration deadline: 20 December 2016

Roverway 2018: Heads of Contigents Registration Now Open

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Roverway 2018: Opposites Attract is delighted to announce that the registration of Heads of Contingents (HoC) is now open. Please first click here to display the system in English, and then here to open the registration system.

This is your opportunity to register for up to date information about Roverway 2018 related to your contingent’s plans, gather marketing material to use in your Contingent and learn about our plans for the first HoC Weekend scheduled to take place in Spring 2017.

As a reminder, an outline of the fees for Roverway 2018 for each country is available on the Roverway 2018 website.

The Team of Roverway 2018 is looking forward to receiving the registrations of your HEads of Contigent and to hearing their stories.

Good morning Kemal. This world may change, after all. Good morning. (*)

Dimitra sharing food with refugees in Lesvos

This picture was taken a year ago on the island of Lesvos in Greece. Together with the following text it was published by journalist and local Scout Leader Stratis Balaskas on the website of the Greek news agency he works for. A year later, the situation on Lesvos, Chios, Kos, other islands and mainland Greece is still far from what we would like it to see. And to this day local Scouts are involved in numerous activities supporting refugees across the country. The story could well describe some action taken place yesterday.

Volunteer in the European Scout Region – Open Call 2013-2016

22nd World Scout Jamboree, Sweden 2011

Open Call 2013-2016 is unique opportunity for all those who wish to be considered for working to support the delivery of the Regional Scout Plan which is adopted at the 21st European Scout Conference in Berlin, Germany.