Tag Archives: Scouts

DOCUMENT DE DISCUSSION: Options d’alignement en Europe (Regional Circular 14_FR 2019)

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Suite à une demande du Forum des Commissaire internationaux de publier une liste d’options que le Comité Européen du Scoutisme de l’Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scout (OMMS) aurait discutées ou considérées comme des alternatives à la proposition de changement-de-cycle, le Comité Européen du Scoutisme fait circuler ce document de dicussion après sa réunion du 10 mars 2019.
L’intention est de faciliter davantage l’examen de la proposition ou des arrangements alternatifs. Cette liste d’options n’est pas considérée comme complète ou défintive, mais il reflète les options examinées pa le Comité.

Please note that the English version of this Regional Circular was already published.

DISCUSSION PAPER – Alignment Options in Europe (Regional Circular 14_EN 2019)

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Following a request at the International Commissioners’ Forum to publish a list of options that the Committe would have discussed or thought of as alternatives to its change-of-cycle proposal, the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is circulating a Discussion Paper after its meeting on 10 March 2019.
The intention is to further facilitate the dicussion on the proposal or alternative arrangements. The list of options is not deemed as complette or final but reflects the options discussed by the Committee.
Merci de bien vouloir noter que la version française de ce doument sera disponible d’ici peu.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – MOVIS Network Meeting 2019 of the European Scout Region (Regional Circular 13 2019)

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The Networking Meeting of commissioners involved in the management of adult resources is one of the well-known and successful networking opportunities for national leaders in the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). The event is now known under the acronym MOVIS (Management of Volunteers in Scouting) reflecting the wider area of interest of the network which goes beyond training.

2019 will see the eighth edition of this event in Tallinn (EE), from 23-26 May 2019, addressing issues of common interest for National Commissioners and other people who are directly involved at the national level in supporting the personal development of adults in Scouting. Make sure to register before 30 April 2019.

=> Find our more about the MOVIS Network Meeting check Regional Circular 13 2019, information available on the event’s website and register online.

#16egsc – Schedule Joint Conference Circulars (Joint Communication 02 2019)

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In view of the upcoming International Commissioners’ Forum in Belgrade, Serbia, later this month, the European Scout Committee of WOSM and the Europe Committee WAGGGS are pleased to share with you Joint Communication 02 2019 which presents you the Schedule of Joint Conference Circulars in preparation of the16th European Guide and Scout Conference held in Split Croatia, in August this year.

All relevant information about this important event in the life of both Regions is available on the Conference website, including details about Delegate Nomination, details about registration and accommodation.
European Scout Committee & Europe Committee WAGGGS

#MyEuropeMySay Youth Events in France


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and its partners in the “My Europe, My Say!” project are inviting interested members of National Scout Organisations and Associations (NSOs/NSAs) and AEGEE local organisations to join two youth events, happening at the same time and focussing on “Multiculturalism and European Citizenship”and “Europe and Me: Understand, Mobilise, Act!” organised in Morbecque and Strasbourg between 16-22 February 2019 by the European Scout Region, Scouts et Guides de France (SGDF) and Eclaireuses Eclaireurs de France (EEDF).

The youth events will offer a 5-day intensive insight into the importance of youth participation in Europe with a side focus on the upcoming European Elections 2019. The five-day events will gather participants who want to learn about European politics and processes. Participants will create an action plan that they can implement in their local Scout group and with their peers to mobilise young people around youth participation issues.

The events are co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

=> For more details about this event please refer to Regional Circular 38 2018.