Tag Archives: wosm

Invitation to the Partnerships Event March 2015 – WOSM Regional Circular 33 2014


Scouting Nederland and the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), on behalf of The Partnerships Network and in cooperation with their troika, are pleased to launch this call for participants from your associations as well as from your partner NSOs/NSAs to attend the next Partnerships Event, which will take place in Soest (NL) from 12-15 March 2015.

Memorandum of Understanding – Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM


At its most recent meeting, the Joint Committee of the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM approved the text of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enable our relationship to continue to be fruitful for all parties.

Volunteer in the European Scout Region – Open Call 2013-2016

22nd World Scout Jamboree, Sweden 2011

Open Call 2013-2016 is unique opportunity for all those who wish to be considered for working to support the delivery of the Regional Scout Plan which is adopted at the 21st European Scout Conference in Berlin, Germany.

WOSM Circular 16 – WOSM and Joint Events 2013


As in previous years and in order to allow your association time to plan ahead, we are pleased to provide you with an overview of events, which are currently planned to be organised in 2013. either by the European Region alone or jointly by the European Region and the Europe Region WAGGGS.

Consultancy Services for NSO / NSAs in Europe – WOSM Circular 01/2012


As part of its endeavour to move from factory to consultancy, the European Regional Committee and the Organisational Development Core Group have now moved from conceptualisation and data collection to targeted delivery and support services. We are pleased to share with you the latest, very simple and user friendly, concept of tailor-made consultancy.