Tag Archives: #WOSM

[RENEWED CALL FOR BIDS] Hosting the Academy 2017

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The European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS are launching this Renewed Call for Bids to host The Academy 2017 due to the withdrawal of the sole bid received following the original call.

The Academy is a joint event of WOSM and WAGGGS working in partnership at European level, with key participation of volunteers and staff from both the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region. Interested associations, NSOs or MOs, are invited to declare their interest to hosting this event by submitting a short paper (the bid) in reponse to the attached Joint Ciruclar.

Regional Circular 20 2015: European Scout Committee – Midterm Review

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Earlier this year, the European Scout Committee decided to conduct a mid-term review, to be undertaken under the lead of an external consultant, of its work and share the results in full transparency with the NSOs/NSAs.

The scope of the review, with the involvement of many stakeholders, was to evaluate half way through the triennium, the work performed.

The report is seen as a tool in the hands of the European Scout Committee; it will help improve the work being done, targeting ultimately the implementation and fulfillment, in the most efficient way, of the Regional Scout Plan and in the most effective way for the National Scout Organisations and National Scout Associations.

The resulting Midterm Review Report is now available for consideration.

– Regional Circular 20 2015: European Scout Committee – Midterm Review: Cover Letter (English, French)
– Regional Circular 20 2015: European Scout Committee – Midterm Review: Annex A (English only)
– Regional Circular 20 2015: European Scout Committee – Midterm Review: Annex B (English only)